Richard Thomas
Luftelementar |
Air Elemental |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Kreatur — Elementarwesen |
Fliegend |
... |
Stärke / Widerstandskraft: 4 / 4
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Mark Poole
Ancestral Recall |
Ancestral Recall |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Spontanzauber |
Draw 3 cards or force opponent to draw 3 cards. |
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Douglas Schuler
Artefaktbelebung |
Animate Artifact |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Verzauberung — Aura |
Target artifact becomes an artifact creature with power and toughness each equal to its casting cost; target retains all of its original abilities. Animate Artifact does not affect artifact creatures. |
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Anson Maddocks
Belebung der Toten |
Animate Dead |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Verzauberung — Aura |
When you play Animate Dead, choose target creature card in any graveyard.
When Animate Dead comes into play, put that creature into play and Animate Dead becomes a creature enchantment that targets the creature. Enchanted creature gets -1/-0. If Animate Dead leaves play, bury the creature. |
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Dan Frazier
Mauerbelebung |
Animate Wall |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Verzauberung — Aura |
Enchanted creature can attack as though it weren`t a Wall. |
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Amy Weber
Mishras Ankh |
Ankh of Mishra |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Artefakt |
Whenever a land comes into play, Ankh of Mishra deals 2 damage to that land`s controller. |
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Jesper Myrfors
Götterdämmerung |
Armageddon |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Hexerei |
Destroy all lands. |
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Jeff A. Menges
Wolfsblut |
Aspect of Wolf |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Verzauberung — Aura |
Enchanted creature gets +*/+*, where * is equal to half the number of forests you control, rounded down for power and up for toughness. |
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Jesper Myrfors
Mondschatten |
Bad Moon |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Verzauberung |
Black creatures get +1/+1. |
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Rob Alexander
Ödland |
Badlands |
Typ: Land — Sumpf Gebirge |
(T): Add either (R) or (B) to your mana pool. Counts as both mountains and swamp and is affected by spells that affect either. If a spell destroys one of these land types, this card is destroyed; if a spell alters one of these land types, the other land type is unaffected. |
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Mark Poole
Balance |
Balance |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Hexerei |
Each player sacrifices enough lands to equalize the number of lands all players control. The player who controls the fewest lands cannot sacrifice any in this way. All players then equalize cards in hand and then creatures in play the same way. |
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Jesper Myrfors
Basaltmonolith |
Basalt Monolith |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Artefakt |
(T): Add 3 colorless mana to your mana pool. Does not untap as normal during untap phase; you may spend (3) at any other time to untap. Drawing mana from this artifact is played as an interrupt. |
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Jesper Myrfors
Bayou |
Bayou |
Typ: Land — Sumpf Wald |
(T): Add either (B) or (G) to your mana pool. Counts as both swamp and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. If a spell destroys one of these land types, this card is destroyed; if a spell alters one of these land types, the other land type is unaffected. |
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Douglas Schuler
Benalische Heldin |
Benalish Hero |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Kreatur — Mensch Soldat |
Banding |
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Stärke / Widerstandskraft: 1 / 1
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Dan Frazier
Berserk |
Berserk |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Spontanzauber |
Until end of turn, target creature`s current power doubles and it gains trample ability. If it attacks, target creature is destroyed at end of turn. This spell cannot be cast after current turn`s attack is completed. |
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Mark Poole
Paradiesvögel |
Birds of Paradise |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Kreatur — Vogel |
(T): Erhöhe deinen Manavorrat um ein Mana einer beliebigen Farbe. |
Stärke / Widerstandskraft: 0 / 1
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Jeff A. Menges
Schwarzer Ritter |
Black Knight |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Kreatur — Ritter |
Schutz vor Weiß |
Battle doesn`t need a purpose; the battle is its own purpose. You don`t ask why a plague spreads or a field burns. Don`t ask why I fight. |
Stärke / Widerstandskraft: 2 / 2
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Christopher Rush
Black Lotus |
Black Lotus |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Artefakt |
Adds 3 mana of any single color of your choice to your mana pool, then is discarded. Tapping this artifact can be played as an interrupt. |
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Richard Thomas
Todespresse |
Black Vise |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Artefakt |
Wähle einen Gegner. Hat dieser Gegner am Ende seiner Versorgungsphase mehr als vier Karten in der Hand, fügt die Todespresse ihm für jede über vier hinausgehende Karte 1 Schadenspunkt zu. |
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Dan Frazier
Schwarzer Schutz |
Black Ward |
Mana / CMC:
Typ: Verzauberung — Aura |
Target creature gains protection from black. The protection granted by Black Ward does not destroy Black Ward. |
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